The Oude IJssel is embanked over long distances. Three weirs are present to regulate its water level. Between Doesburg and Doetinchem there is commercial navigation possible, up to Ulft the river is navigable for motorised recreational boating. The river frequently overflows its floodplains.
The Bocholter Aa merges with the Oude IJssel near Ulft (NL). The Bocholter Aa is an important drainage channel with many weirs. The river is embanked between Bocholt (GER) and the Dutch border.
The source of the Boven Slinge (Schlinge) is also in the Westmuensterland. In the Netherlands, the Boven Slinge flows into the Oude IJssel via the Bielheimerbeek. The Schlinge was dammed up in Germany at a length of 1.4 km (between Muehle Radefeld and Oeding). In order to regulate the level, 6 weirs/ spillways were installed in the Upper Slinge.
Square kilometers
50 m
Height difference
Urban area
Upcoming research:
Planned research for the Oude IJssel river basin within JCAR ATRACE will focus on the joint development of transnational stresstest, flood models, early warning systems and assessment of the adaptability of governance structures to weather extremes in the border region.

Publications in this basin

Scoping Study of the Vechte, Berkel and Oude IJssel river basins